CEO of Subaru North America takes notice of local Viamark client

Local and regional businesses want and deserve the same kind of quality the national brands get, without needing an arm-and-leg budget to get it. That’s where Viamark wins every time. Here’s one example:
The owner of Concordville Subaru in Glens Mills PA, a Viamark client since 2011,recently called our Philly office to tell us that the CEO of Subaru North America calledhim to compliment him on the outstanding TV commercial he saw on a local station. (FYI - Subaru North America is based in Cherry Hill, NJ- a suburb of Philadelphia)
Stephen Facenda, the owner of our Viamark Philadelphia office, stated: "The Subaru buyer is a very unique buyer. Screaming at them would literally turn them off to your dealership. Additionally, this is a very millennial way to attract customers. Advertise what you stand for!”
Here’s one of the commercials:
Knowing the ins and outs of the auto industry is essential. We take your advertising to the next level by combining our intricate knowledge with our media buying power and effective creative for your unique audience.