The New Normal

I have never considered myself to be realist or a pessimist. I tend to lean toward being an Optimist. The Optimist says: “Stop being negative!” The Realist responds: I’m not negative! I’m a realist.’ To the Optimist, that statement simply means “I’m REAL negative.” For those of us who live in a World of perpetual optimism, realist can be such a buzz kill. A Realist measures their world view from a position of “let’s consider all the things that might go wrong.” Optimist, on the other hand, can be too rosy, even in the face of an inevitable, less than fabulous, outcome. I think I have recently earned my Realist Stripes…and it feels like such an accomplishment! I understand now why Realists are so important. Optimist will make statements like; “When the economy turns around”, or “As soon as things rebound.” My new realist says; “This is as good as it might get. This is the new economy. Deal with it.” Lament favorably on the past at your own risk. Continue to believe that everything is going to bounce back, in spite of dismal housing sales, record debt, and lingering unemployment. Sooner or later this truth will take root: “This is as good as it’s going to get.” The value we have lost in our homes IS NOT COMING BACK. Sadly, our homes weren’t worth what we thought they were. It wasn’t real. It was a facade propped up by poor management in our Government, Wall Street and banking institutions. It was Greed. In this new economy, the rules are changing. Smart marketing and advertising is more important than ever. How do advertisers navigate this new landscape? Who leads them, successfully? With so many traditional ad-firms going out of business, how do you choose a firm that can help define and propel your business, your brand, your profits? Look for an ad-firm that has a thriving client portfolio. Look for a firm that charges fewer fees, and allocates more of your dollars to marketing. Look for a firm that puts less of your money in their pockets. It’s time for ad-firms to earn their keep. No high fees, please. At ViaMark Advertising, we have developed a culture that helps clients succeed in this new economy. Thinking differently, changing the rules, charging less while offering more, and always focusing on our client’s success, makes for a more optimistic future. ViaMark did not employ this “low overhead” strategy as a result of the poor economy. This has been our core position since our founding in 1995. That’s as real as it gets.
Mark Storie